You want your lawn to shine in a beautiful, lush green and grow dense and healthy as a lawn lover. So it’s all the more annoying when you notice yellow spots on the lawn. If you already have a sophisticated lawn care system or you use the help of experts like Earth Development for instance, it isn’t easy to pinpoint the cause of the yellow spots. I will clear up the most common mistakes and show you how to restore bad lawns and prevent yellow spots.
How Do Yellow Spots Form On The Lawn?
Yellow spots in the lawn don’t grow overnight and are due to some mistakes in lawn care. Too much or too little water is just as damaging to the lawn as incorrect fertilization. It cannot be ruled out that dogs or cats caused yellow spots in the lawn. Even if you change your routine too quickly and your lawn is no longer getting enough nutrients, yellow spots will appear on the lawn. But don’t worry, with the right steps, you can quickly find out the cause and fix it.
Yellow Spots From Not Enough Water
One of the main reasons for yellow spots on the lawn is a lack of water. While your lawn manages well in spring and autumn with its water reservoir and rain showers, it thirsts for water in summer. The lawn cannot withstand heat and drought for long without additional watering. The tips of the blades of grass dry up; the grass turns yellow. Through proper casting, you bend the front easily.
Yellow Spots From Too Much Water
Too much water is also bad for your lawn. If the soil on your lawn is hard and the water cannot seep away well, the moisture builds up on the lawn surface. The roots cannot handle too much water and begin to rot – and yellow spots appear on the lawn. Therefore, it is essential to keep the ground loose and ventilate it more often. This way, more air and sunlight get into the deeper layers of your lawn, and the stalks grow back stronger and healthier.
Yellow Spots From Grass That Is Cut Too Short
Correct mowing is one of the top prerequisites for a healthy lawn. Weekly mowing promotes growth and ensures a dense sward. But mistakes creep in quickly when mowing. If you mow your lawn too short, you will remove the upper protective layer of the blades of grass, and the lawn will have a hard time recovering. If it does not have enough nutrients for regeneration, yellow spots appear on the lawn. You should never mow your lawn less than three to four centimeters. Four to five centimeters are even better with intensive use by playing children or pets. The lawn that is mainly in the shade is ideally seven centimeters long after being mowed. An expert like Earth Development for instance is strongly advice to guide you to avoid mistakes.